Hello #IBCfamily we hope you are keeping well,
It’s an exciting time for the club, with so many of the clubs teams qualifying for the National Playoffs.
Sunday – Playoff Double Header:
It’s three years since the club got to host a ‘Playoff Day’, and a very long time since the club got to have a Senior/Junior double-header. In fact, many of our current members would not have been part of IBC the last time this would have happened. This coming Sunday, our u16 girls are at home in the first round of the playoffs at 1pm. This will be followed by the Senior Women hosting Anglia Ruskin at 3:30pm. Ipswich Basketball Club have always come together on days like this, we believe it is one of the things that separates Ipswich as a club – when we play away in the playoffs, there is never the same atmosphere – at Ipswich, in the past we have had over 300 people inside Copleston, creating an incredible atmosphere not only for the players, but for the spectators. Therefore, as we continue to re-establish the clubs ‘culture’ post covid, we request that all teams attend both games on Sunday and make as much noise as possible. We are also inviting families of the clubs players – trust us, it will be a fantastic Sunday afternoon’s entertainment. We ask that spectators wear their ‘Ipswich Blue’ hoodies, T-Shirts or if you don’t have those – just anything that will create a ‘sea of blue’ in the sports hall. Furthermore, in recent years a certain Mr Richard Liddamore has taken the ‘Blue Army’ to the next level, with the introduction of blue wigs! We appreciate this might not be for everyone, but if you want a blue wig, and want to contribute to the amazing spectacle that we want to create – here’s where you can get them. We are offering FREE ENTRY to anyone who is wearing Ipswich Blue (T-shirts, Hoodies, Wigs)… Here is where to order your blue wig: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CURLY-AFRO-FANCY-DRESS-WIGS-FUNKY-DISCO-CLOWN-STYLE-MENS-LADIES-COSTUME-70S-HAIR-/390901522936
End of Season Dinner:
The clock is ticking, you only have until Thursday to book your End of Season Dinner tickets, before the price goes up. Please remember, players are expected to attend, and we would really like to encourage parents to join us too – it’s an amazing night, great fun and always very uplifting. In case you missed it, you can get your tickets here: https://www.ipswichbasketball.co.uk/post/end-of-season-dinner-saturday-14th-may-2022
End of Season Award Sponsors:
We still have some trophy sponsors available for the End of Season Dinner. For £120 you get two tickets, your company logo in the programme, a mention on stage in the speeches and a photo with the winners of the trophies you sponsor. More that, this hugely helps the club. if you are interested in sponsoring a team’s trophies, please contact club Head Coach Nick Drane on nickdrane@ipswichbasketball.co.uk
Search for New Treasurer:
We have appealed once for a new treasurer, and received no response. We are now appealing a second time. We hope that there is somebody associated with the club with some experience of bookkeeping/being a treasurer or even accounting that could help work with the clubs management committee. Please understand that if we cannot fill this position, this will have a hugely negative impact on Ipswich Basketball as a whole – so please can everyone have a think about whether they might be able to assist with this, or if they know anyone who might be interested. Anyone interested should contact either Club Secretary Matt Little on ipswichbballsec@gmail.comor Club Chairman Josh Carson on j3zy@hotmail.co.uk
Many thanks, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
